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July Programs

July 11, 2015

In July, we look at people who get hurt at work and who’s responsible for protecting them: companies, governments and sometimes, the workers themselves. This episode includes Reveal’s collaborative investigation with FRONTLINE, Univision, the Investigative Reporting Program at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and KQED into the sexual assault of women who clean our offices and workspaces on the night shift*.

July 18, 2015
National Magazine-Climate One Radio - Power Plays

Despite soggy prices the outlook for American oil and gas is still promising. Cycles of boom and bust have always been part of the energy industry, which delivers big profits. At the same time, clean energy is creating jobs and clean communities. Rooftop solar for home owners is increasing rapidly and electric cars are gaining cache. In this episode of Climate One’s National Magazine we are looking at the power brokers who are moving the ball forward on renewable energy and those still making a bundle on fossil fuels.

July 25, 2015
America Abroad – Countering Violent Extremism: An International Town Hall

To discuss how the US and Europe are addressing the unprecedented recruitment effort by the Islamic State, while preserving civil liberties and trust with Muslim communities, America Abroad teamed up with NPR Berlin for a LIVE town hall event, bringing together audiences at WHYY in Philadelphia and the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin, Germany. Moderating the discussion are veteran public radio host and reporter Jacki Lyden from Philadelphia and NPR's Paris correspondent Eleanor Beardsley from Berlin.

Brian is a Spokane native who has been interested in sound technology ever since playing with a reel-to-reel deck as a kid. He first learned radio broadcasting on KSFC, before it was part of Spokane Public Radio but still was part of the broadcasting program at Spokane Falls Community College. Brian also studied radio at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Oregon, where he featured new age and fusion jazz on his own show on KMUN.
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