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Pivot Spokane: "Monsters" Bonus Episode

About Pivot Spokane

Every great story has a pivot. It may be the moment the stakes are raised, when you can't wait to hear what comes next. It could be the instant a story elevates from good to great, or the nexus at which a story reveals what it's truly about. It could be the way a great story can make you laugh so hard you can't breathe, and in the next moment, break your heart.


Humans love stories for how they make us think and feel: they surprise and delight us, remind us of our common humanity, hold up a mirror to our foibles, and expand our ways of thinking. We all have different lived experiences, but stories connect us. They draw us in and whisper: I recognize you. We're not so different. 


Pivot is the brainchild of a group of community members, joined by a common desire to build a live storytelling series in Spokane. By day, they are teachers, advocates, artists, lawyers, administrators, doctors, organizers, and much more. Four times a year, they volunteer their time and talents to produce, promote, and host live Pivot events in Spokane. 

Chris Maccini previously worked at SPR as Morning Edition host and producing arts and special programming such as The Bookshelf, Poetry Moment, Northwest Arts Review, special features and more.