A Spokane man has created an interactive calendar designed to teach people about the U.S. Constitution and American history.Matt Hawkins says he hopes the We the People interactive calendar will encourage people to learn and talk about America’s political system and form of government. Hawkins is its co-creator. It looks like a typical calendar with dates and graphics and pithy quotes. But the calendar also includes Q-R codes, which allow you to use your phone to access items such as political cartoons and newspaper columns from different eras.
“We figured that, by merging those elements together, we give people reason to talk about how, in some ways, things aren’t all that different from where they were at the founding of this country to where they are today. The difference might be people actually had conversations back then and people tend to be yelling today,” he said.
Hawkins says the calendar features QR codes for every week, providing new and timely content. He encourages families to use the calendar to teach children about American history and government.
You can find out more at WethePeopleCalendar.com. Hawkins says it will soon be available through Amazon.