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Connie Wasem Scott reads her original poem, “We Watched for Falling Stars”

 Connie Wasem Scott in the Spokane Public Radio lobby
Savanna Rothe
Connie Wasem Scott in the Spokane Public Radio lobby

Connie Wasem Scott reads her original poem, “We Watched for Falling Stars.”

Connie Wasem Scott is a Spokane poet and teacher. In addition to teaching the gamut of English classes at Spokane Falls Community College, she enjoys exploring the great outdoors with her Aussie-American husband. Her poems have appeared in Cathexis Northwest, Minerva Rising, Eclectica, Sycamore Review, RHINO and other journals. Her chapbook 'Predictable as Fire’ (2021) was a finalist in the Moonstone Press Chapbook contest. "The Open Hand of Sky,” her full-length poetry collection, was published in August 2022 by Finishing Line Press.