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Live Broadcast of Scent of A Thousand Rains, October 3 at 7 p.m.

Square Top Theatre

Hear a live broadcast of the new show Scent of a Thousand Rains, performed at the downtown Spokane Public Library, in The Lense performance space. Tune in to KPBX 91.1 on October 3 at 7 p.m. to hear the broadcast. You can also see the show on September 13th or 14th on Mount Spokane at the Vista House.

"The Scent of a Thousand Rains by Damon Falke is a love story. A man (Ryan Childers) finds himself alone in an apartment in Budapest. He peers from the window to discover a woman (Tana Bachman-Bland) standing on her balcony. Their unlikely connection sends him on a journey through his memories to reckon with the places and people that have ordered his life. A literary and musical exploration of a life lived in pursuit, the show suggests that perhaps in a life of transience and loss, love and imagination are the only things that remain to us and of us.

The Scent of a Thousand Rains, directed by Charles M Pepiton with music composed and arranged by Tana Bachman-Bland, is a performance piece in verse for an actor and a violinist. It sits in the ancient tradition of solo versed performance with live music that connects us to Homer and the oldest forms of live theatre in the Western tradition."

You can RSVP to the show on facebook here and you can purchase tickets to the show here.

You can also hear a broadcast of Square Now at the Uncertain Hour, September 26 at 7 p.m. on KPBX, or check out the audio here.

"Now at the Uncertain Hour is an intriguing new theatrical event for live performance, online streaming, and broadcast radio. The show takes the audience on a journey through the landscape of a soldier’s memory as a collector attempts to make sense of what will be left behind. The show asks: in the midst of the relentless currents of time, what can we take hold of that will go on, that will not be lost? The stories blend with the sounds of old time banjo and modular synthesizer to create a unique listening experience."
