Jan/Feb/MarThe “Fall Pledge Drive” was moved to January, after having been cancelled due to Windstorm in November.The Jan. 16 KPBX Kids’ Concert featured…
January/February March 35th Anniversary of Spokane Public Radio is on January 20!SPR goes to the movies celebrated the Coen Brothers, with a showing of…
January/February/MarchBeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet return to Spokane for an SPR benefit concert on a snowy night in February.Dr. Cary Boyce announces…
April/May/June SPR launches its first (and successful) one day pledge drive.Don Gonyea comes to Spokane to present a lecture and audience Q&A program at…
January/February/March News Correspondent Paige Browning joins SPR.SPR presents a Health Forum on Northwest Water: Your Health, Your Life.The Guide…
January/February/March Scott Kirby performs at the KPBX Kids’ Concert on January 22, in celebration of the Roots of Ragtime.The Recording and Video Sale…
January/FebruarySPR Celebrates 30 years!A Way With Words starts on KSFC.Tony Flinn begins his program Just A Theoryputting local academics to the test.…
January/FebruaryKPBX host John Johnson discusses A Hard Day’s Night, the movie that started it all, and the band that influenced music forever, at the…
January/February Community Events include the annual Recording and Video sale at the Masonic Center Auditorium and a KPBX Kids’ Concert featuring Cap’n…
January/February Jazz at Lincoln Center remembers Ed Bradley, journalist and host of the program. Bradley died on November 9, 2006, at age 65.Performance…