About Spokane Public Radio
The Mission of Spokane Public Radio
The mission of Spokane Public Radio stations KPBX 91.1, KSFC 91.9, and KPBZ 90.3 is to provide high-quality, artistic, educational, and informational programming, which enhances and enlivens the cultural life and civic discourse of its listening communities.
The following fundamental values guide our mission:
- We trust the ability of our listeners to discern between competing ideas
- We endeavor to promote and maintain the highest level of journalistic excellence
- We actively participate in the cultural life of our listening communities
The mission of SPR remains rooted in the Report of the Carnegie Commission on Educational Television, which led Congress to pass the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, which sagely found that public TV and radio programming "can help us see America, whole, in all its diversity," serving as a "forum for controversy and debate," and "provide a voice for groups in the community that may otherwise be unheard." Spokane Public Radio remains guided by the spirit of the Carnegie Commission in fulfilling its mission. Read the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, as amended.
For the purpose of reporting contributions to a charitable organization, Spokane Public Radio is a recognized 501 (c) 3 organization, federal tax id number 23-7097524.
Equal Opportunity Employer Public Report
Each year, in compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity standards, Spokane Public Radio files a report with regards to our annual employment, internship, and volunteer practices. If you have questions about SPR's reports or EEO reporting practices, please call 328-5729.
SPR is located at Monroe & Sharp
SPR completed it’s Moving to a Sound Future capital project in 2016. The historic fire station is on the National Historic Register, and now on the local Register. This project was accomplished in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities, the State of Washington (legislators), foundations, contractors, architects, vendors, businesses, the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, and a wide range of individual donors and listeners. The newly remodeled building is less expensive to operate, up-to-date and stable, and greatly multiplies our production capacity for local, regional and even national productions.
SPR Senior Staff
John Decker, President and General Manager
Jerry Olson, Chief Engineer
Doug Nadvornick, Program Director
Debbie Crocker, Finance Manager
Annual Reports
To obtain copies of annual financial reports, please make inquiries at Spokane Public Radio during business hours (Monday-Friday, 9a-5p). Copies can be made for $.10 per page.
CPB 2018 Station Activities Survey (SAS)
Local Content and Services
Spokane Public Radio (SPR) goals in identifying community issues, needs, and interests are to address these issues primarily by bringing them into the light of awareness and public discourse. These efforts include identifying educational, political, economic, environmental, and cultural challenges and initiatives in our communities, addressing such items as the high school graduation rate, political campaigns and dialogues, area redevelopment efforts, environmental initiatives, and arts engagement with various arts and educational institutions. The approach is multi-pronged, including traditional broadcast, digital development (SPR is in the process of rolling over to NPR’s Core Publisher), and events. All of these include an eye toward increased news coverage in collaboration with other Northwest public radio stations, better tracking of results and strategic adjustments, and, most importantly, developing deeper collaborations and partnerships with area educational and business institutions as well as with more direct engagement with the communities we serve.
These activities include:
SPR continues to produce seven “Kids’ Concerts” each year, providing free access to families and kids to high quality musical events at no charge in collaboration with venues, partners, and underwriters. SPR also produces and moderates several forums each year, on topics such as health, water quality, the Affordable Care Act, and marijuana legalization. Where possible and appropriate these are also recorded, broadcast, and web-archived. SPR news coverage, along with Northwest News Network (N3) of which we are a part, has included topics such as government, the environment, education, Native American issues, and other issues of community importance and concern.
SPR maintains a robust community calendar, both online and on-air with frequent broadcasts of the calendar of cultural and other events that are significant to our areas of coverage.
SPR continues key goals from last year: 1) secure and improve our public radio service for the future, 2) provide a solid foundation for growth, and 3) improve our sustainability, and 4) better engage and interact with the communities we serve.
SPR has completed it’s Moving to a Sound Future capital project. Construction is complete, and all broadcast functions of the three stations are moved. The new building (a historic fire station), is on the National Historic Register, and now on the local Register. This project was accomplished in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities, the State of Washington (legislators), foundations, contractors, architects, vendors, businesses, the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and a wide range of individual donors and listeners. The newly remodeled building is less expensive to operate, up-to-date and stable, and greatly multiplies our production capacity for local, regional and even national productions.
Internship outreach continues and grows in cooperation with local high schools and colleges including Gonzaga, Whitworth, and Spokane Community Colleges. New dialogues are beginning with Eastern Washington University and Washington State University to expand internships in news and music production.
Special live broadcasts include the Fall Folk Festival from Spokane Falls Community College. SPR is striving to increase local and regional programs with increased coverage of local and regional arts festivals, and bringing artists for live interviews and performances. These will again include MusicFest Northwest (young performers), the Northwest Bach Festival, the Spokane Symphony, and the Spokane String Quartet with broadcasts and recordings in our new facility. Our classical music producers continue covering several music festivals in the state and region for broadcast, as well as interviewing many local and visiting artists, often as many as five each week.