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Sustaining Membership

You may have heard KPBX and KSFC's invitation to “become a sustaining member.” It’s a nice sentiment, but what does it mean and why is it so important to the longevity of Spokane Public Radio?

“Sustaining members make an ongoing monthly commitment to public radio through electronic funds transfer (EFT), credit or debit cards, or your personal online banking program,” says Membership Manager Beth Severn-Johnson. “They help us maintain a strong and reliable cash flow. They make it easier for us to focus on adding new members during the on-air drives, and let the station staff focus on what we’re here to do—make great radio.”

Sustaining members also save the stations money. Since initiating the Sustaining program, thousands of dollars have been saved in postage and printing costs for renewal forms, envelopes, and return envelopes. Sustaining members don’t need notices or postage because it’s all done automatically and electronically. The more listeners who become Sustaining Members the more your public radio saves!

Donors control how much is given to SPR. An electronic funds transfer can be as little as $3.75 per month—the amount of a basic annual membership—or as much as you choose. You decide.

Three Easy Options to Become A Sustaining Member:

·       Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs)—Simply provide a VOIDED CHECK and installments are withdrawn electronically from your checking account each month.

·       Credit/Debit Cards—we charge your card monthly.

·       Donor-Directed Bank Bill Pay—you set up with your bank how much you pay and when.

Benefits of Becoming A Sustaining Member:

No renewal notices, no billing, no writing checks or hunting for stamps.

Ensure the future of our quality programming.

~Monthly Ongoing Supporters ENJOY ENTRY INTO ALL MEMBERSHIP DRAWINGS, both Spring and Fall.

Get started as a Sustaining Member with this form or by calling the station at (509) 328-5729 or 1-800-328-5729. For membership or account information, please call or email

Privacy Policy: All personal information is collected solely for the use of Spokane Public Radio. SPR does not trade or sell its mailing list (including: names, addresses, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses).