About a dozen wildfires are currently burning around the Northwest. The Bybee fire is a small one at 50 acres. It is uncontained and sending up smoke on the west side of Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon.
From a fire lookout on the rim of Crater Lake four miles away, you cannot see any flames. There are, however, a ballet of aircraft circling the fire. Smoke jumpers parachuted Friday afternoon, and a water bomber has dropped several loads. Ground crews are fighting the fire as well.
The fire has closed a small segment of the Pacific Crest Trail, which is quite close by. But the smoke is blowing away from the pristine blue of Crater Lake. So the hordes of tourists there on the eve of a beautiful sunny weekend are so far unaffected.
The Bybee fire was discovered Thursday afternoon. The cause is under investigation.
Crater Lake National Park is still open to visitors and planned events there are on schedule.
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