Black Friday brought another high Covid case count in Spokane County. The health district on Friday reported positive tests for 409 people, one of the highest one-day counts during the pandemic. That’s on top of 238 cases reported on Thanksgiving.
For the week, 1,831 people tested positive for Covid, the highest mark for one week.
North Idaho also continued its coronavirus surge. The Panhandle Health District reported 275 new cases on Friday.
The number of people hospitalized for Covid totals almost 180, 105 in Spokane and 73 in north Idaho.
Most rural eastern Washington counties are faring a bit better when it comes to the coronavirus. Their incidence rates are generally lower than in Spokane, though their positive percentages are still well above the state goals. Rural hospitals are able to keep up with the demand for care.
“We are in good shape today. Maybe good is strong. We are holding our own today. Our rural hospitals are meeting the needs of their communities. Our urban hospitals are meeting the needs of their communities. But we have a lot of concern," says Jacqueline Barton True from the Washington State Hospital Association.
That’s related to people’s behaviors during this holiday weekend and whether the surge will intensify during the next two to three weeks.