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Square Top Theatre Presents "The Scent of a Thousand Rains" (SPR Media Partner)


September 13-14, 2019 – The Vista House on Mt. Spokane
October 3, 2019 – The Lens at Spokane Public Library

(Also broadcast live on KPBX 91.1, Oct. 3rd at 7:00 p.m.)

“I wonder if there is an exact moment
When I gave up the idea of permanence.”

The Scent of a Thousand Rains by Damon Falke is a love story. A man (Ryan Childers) finds himself alone in an apartment in Budapest. He peers from the window to discover a woman (Tana Bachman-Bland) standing on her balcony. Their unlikely connection sends him on a journey through his memories to reckon with the places and people that have ordered his life. A literary and musical exploration of a life lived in pursuit, the show suggests that perhaps in a life of transience and loss, love and imagination are the only things that remain to us and of us.

CLICK HERE to reserve your free tickets, made possible by Spokane Arts Grant Awards funding!