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The Bookshelf: Pie and Whiskey Radio Series, Episode 3

Episode 3 features readings by Thom Caraway, Jacob Fries and Maya Jewel Zeller.

In three episodes of The Bookshelf Maccini brings one of Spokane's favorite events, Pie and Whiskey to the radio. In Pie and Whiskey Radio Maccini features poems,  stories and essays read by local authors selected from the new Pie and Whiskey book which will be released at a special Pie and Whiskey event in Spokane on October 26th, 2017.

Pie and Whiskey co-founder Samuel Ligon describes the event, 

"Pie and Whiskey started in 2012 as a reading in Spokane, Washington. The idea was to serve good pie, good whiskey and good writers reading prose or poetry about pie and whiskey. We thought there was something right about the combination: Pie in your left hand, whiskey in your right. We thought there was something weirdly American about it too: Saturday night debauch meets Sunday morning brunch. Cowboys don't walk into saloons and order gin. We don't say 'American as motherhood and apple cake'. 

That first year we lined up 12 writers to read for five minutes each. GetLit, Spokane's Literary festival agreed to host us at the Spokane Women's Club. We asked Don Poffenroth of Dry Fly distillers to donate the whiskey. He gave us six fifths, which we thought would be plenty. We baked ten pies and hoped 50-people would come -a pretty good audience for a reading. The night of the show over 300-people piled into the Women's Club or waited in line outside. The next year 400-people showed up.

Five years, 8 readings, 500 gallons of whiskey and 30,000 square feet of pie later, we hope you'll join us for Pie and Whiskey near you or throw your own or check out the book and enjoy our meditations on sugar and booze. As the Irish say, 'What butter and whiskey can't cure, there is no cure for."


Verne Windham got his start at Spokane Public Radio 20 years ago. “I came in to complain and they hired me.” He’s now the Program Director, as well as the host of Morning Classical and Concert of the Week. When choosing music for Morning Classical, Verne likes to keep the agenda as broadly defined as possible. For Concert of the Week, he focuses on the best of recent local performances, mostly classical in nature. For many years, Verne was also the conductor of the Spokane Youth Orchestra. He enjoys gardening, his vintage car and playing French horn.