The nation’s biggest week for firework use is overlapping with some of the year’s hottest weather yet in Spokane. It could be a nice combination for those celebrating the 4th of July, but it solicits worry for fire officials. Firework use is banned in the city of Spokane, and it has been for 22 years. Fireworks are also banned in Spokane Valley, Millwood, Cheney, Liberty Lake, and the unincorporated areas of Spokane County.
Still, the Spokane Fire Department responds to about five fireworks-caused fires a year. And, medics treat an average of five people a year from fireworks-caused injuries. City Fire Marshall Lisa Jones says they’re anticipating hot, dry conditions this weekend.
Jones: “When we’ve got those additional ignition sources from people just trying to have a little fun that presents a concern, so the fire department is gearing for that response for wildland concerns throughout the region, and certainly over this Fourth of July weekend.”
Jones says even though fireworks are sold in areas near Spokane County, that does not mean people are allowed to use them here. She says devices like paper lanterns are also illegal. The city’s fine for illegal use of fireworks ranges from $513 to $1,000.
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