Today on Inland Journal, we talk with a Spokane inventor about his product that goes on the market today [Monday]. Kris Maynard is a Spokane area emergency medical technician. He also happens to be diabetic. Over the years, he has struggled with keeping his blood sugar levels steady, especially when he goes out to run. So he developed a necklace filled with glucose that allows him to ingest the gel when he feels the need. What began as a product developed for his personal need is now a product that he is manufacturing for sale to other diabetics. He calls it the “glucose gel medical alert necklace.” His company is called Glucose Revival.
Kris Maynard has worked with Michael Ebinger from WSU’s Center for Innovation and others locally to get his necklace from the drawing board to the marketplace. Kris is with us in the studio to talk about that process.
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