If you’ve received your Covid shots, the CDC has announced it’s ok to get together, without masks, with others who have been inoculated.
Seattle infectious disease expert Shireesha Dhanireddy says she agrees, to a point. Dhanireddy is the medical director at UW Medicine's Infectious Diseases Clinic.
“The chance that two groups of people or two individuals who have been fully vaccinated are going to be able to transmit it to each other is quite low. But I think we need to be cautious and not extend that out further into potential meeting other individuals who may still be at risk or others congregating on top of that," she said.
Dhanireddy says she disagrees with the decision in other states to remove mask mandates. She says not enough people have yet been vaccinated. She says recent steady declines in Covid cases have, in many areas, slowed or even plateaued as people resume pre-pandemic activities.
Dhanireddy says this version of coronavirus may spread for years, much like the flu, although, with vaccine boosters, at a less virulent level.