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Inslee Says Washington Will Move Up Covid Vaccine Eligibility

Washington Governor Jay Inslee says the state will soon make Covid vaccine available to anyone older than 16, effective April 15.

Inslee made his announcement this afternoon [Wednesday]. He says the state is acting now, rather than waiting until May 1 as earlier planned, because of a rise in cases around the state. Some of that is driven by increases among younger people. The goal, then, is to make vaccine available to them so that they can their shots and be less likely to spread the virus.

Washington moved into a new Covid vaccine phase today Wednesday, folding in all people 60 or older. Also eligible are people 16 and older with two or more underlying conditions that would make them more susceptible to severe disease. It also covers staff and volunteers who work in some congregate living areas, such as correctional facilities and group homes. And it covers workers in high-risk settings such as restaurants, construction and manufacturing.

Inslee says the state is receiving more vaccine from the federal government every week and anticipates that trend to continue through the spring.