The Ford-Corkscrew fire burning north of Long Lake in Stevens County has grown to nearly 11,000 acres. New evacuations were ordered Monday night in an area closer to the lake, including the area around Tum Tum.Fire officials say Tuesday is another weather watch day with a cold front moving in. Some rain is expected, which may help, but there is concern with possible lightning strikes and wind. The prediction calls for light winds from the north, but that is of concern because winds from the north have the potential to push the fire across the Spokane River into Spokane County.
Aircraft are a major component of the firefighting efforts. But Stevens County District One Fire Chief Mike Bucy says resources are starting to be spread too thin.
“A lot of times they'll hit something hard then they'll start to break off to hit other fires unless there's a flare up and then they'll come back. It's a complicated song and dance sharing aircraft among probably six or seven incidents in the state right now that are deserving of aircraft," he said.
When the fire broke out on Sunday, as many as a dozen aircraft were on the scene. That number dropped to less than half that on Monday.