The organization that represents Idaho’s local school boards says it has broken ties with its national organization.
The Idaho School Boards Association was unhappy with a letter sent last September by the National School Boards Association to President Biden. The national organization had urged President Biden to deploy federal law enforcement to investigate and enforce cases of intimidation against school officials and board members. The association later apologized for the letter.
The Idaho group issued a statement, saying it wasn’t consulted about the letter and disagreed with the intent.
Education Week reports at least two other state school board organizations have severed their ties with the NSBA.
Nevertheless, all is not hunky-dory in Idaho schools, said the association’s president, Jason Knopp, in an address before a legislative committee Tuesday.
“Covid and other issues have continued to create huge hurdles recruiting and retaining staff at all levels of school operations. One significant barrier is our classified staff salaries. It’s time for the state to re-evaluate our funding formula for classified positions," Knopp said.
He also called on the state to fully fund optional full-day kindergarten to benefit districts that want to offer that service but can’t afford it. He says the academic benefits are clear.