Online Donation FormThe Moving to a Sound Future project will secure, build, and grow our service for generations to come. Our total goal is $5 million, and while we're coming very close, we're not there yet. We must complete our state grant match—about $1.6 million—as soon as possible to help us meet construction obligations and deadlines.
The time is now. Your gifts and your vision for public radio help secure this essential service—now and for the future.
If each member pledges an additional 20 percent for five years (we can count a maximum of five-year pledges toward our match), that’s $1 million—and we’re almost home.
Your dollars go further thanks to matching funds from Washington State, federal money from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and a grant from the M.J. Murdock Trust. These entities are investing $1.75 million dollars in our Inland Northwest communities in matching funds. Every private dollar given today leverages another 45 cents.
While individually we can help, together we are mighty. Please tell your friends. Name something together. But remember, dollars to this project must be “on top of,” and not “instead of” membership dollars that sustain operations.
Thank You! Each gift makes the world a little more informed, a little more aware—a little better.