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Be honest, how often do you turn on your radio? How often is it tuned to either KPBX, KSFC, or KPBZ? The point is it's ON, whether you've donated any money or not. So why should you become a member?
If a program begins to cost more than we can afford, we might drop it from the schedule. Morning Edition and All Things Considered, the two most expensive programs, won't go anywhere because they're so important to understanding the context of today's news. But SPR would actually like to expand the news coverage -- add a news internship program, add more reporters to the staff. We can only accomplish those goals if those who support that vision can help pay for it.
It doesn't take much. A basic membership is $45 per year -- $3.75 per month. Others choose $60 per year ($5 per month), or $365 (a dollar a day), or $1000 per year in the Sound Circle. And these donations may be tax-deductible for you. You listen, so put your money where your ears are. Please call 328-5729 (outside Spokane, 1-800-328-5729) or pledge your support online.