With one exception, every GOP House member from Idaho, Oregon and Washington voted last week to prevent higher royalty fees for oil and gas companies…
Conservationists and an Indian tribe are gearing up for a new round of battles over an old gold mine in the heart of Idaho's Frank Church River of No…
Conservationists are challenging the approval of a Mount Spokane ski area expansion. The Lands Council and other groups filed a lawsuit Wednesday in…
Eleven northwest members of Congress of both parties have admonished the U-S Forest Service on its plan to limit public hearings on forest management…
Two key Idaho lawmakers - Senator Jim Risch and Congressman Mike Simpson - have introduced new bills to protect a huge chunk of Idaho's most rugged,…
A Methow Valley public utility district has won its long-running legal battle against a state agency over the route of new electric power lines. It's been…
After the political dust settled from last year's largely grid-locked Congress, budget writers in Idaho, Oregon and Washington had to deal with sizable…