On a street filled with denizens, an innocent tourist is cajoled into playing 3-traffic-cone monte!
What really happened when the rocket ships Vanguard and Knausgaard blasted off on their mission to Pluto? Well? What?
The Cosmic News Service does a live broadcast of the Rockets Knausgaard and Vanguard's successful blast off in humanity's first mission to Pluto! But is it entirely... accurate?
The black-and-white, cigarette-stricken radio series continues, now with even more abstract staring into the middle distance!
Norma the mail carrier encounters an ineffectual mugger.
At a Unitarian funeral service, a carousel band organ joins in, uninvitedly...
Before blast-off, budget-cutting Lt. Commander Fawna makes a secret call to recently reinstated Ensign Nemesis, ordering to spy on the Knausgaard's crew while he reduces the ship's oxygen ration by 10%. Meanwhile, on the Vanguard, Commander Train blackmails the android, Eugene 2000, to help her spread a false report about Sammy Kahlua, her fraudulent Martian ambassador to Earth.
On the Vanguard, Dr. Delesion uses Lt. Linley to help hide the results of his experiments on Cadet Billy, while on the Knausgaard, Dr. Dankmeme pushes Lt. Chesterfield and Sparky McClean into couples' therapy!
Instead of advancing the plot toward the blast-off to Pluto, Lt. Linley and Ensign Zinn argue about the difference between a planet and a moon. Unlike the rockets' engines, tempers flare!
Interim Captain Casey of the Knausgaard discovers that Commander Train hid the Vanguard's Captain Major in a trunk in Sparky McClean's cabin to delay the blast-offs, and we learn that Commander Train had been a bad roommate at the Space Force Academy. Meanwhile, Cadet Cindy persuades Sammy Kahlua, a Martian entrepreneur, to pose as Mars' ambassador to Earth!