School levies in Kootenai and Bonner counties were winning after final vote counts on Tuesday. So were bond issues in the two counties.In the case of the…
Idaho voters go to the polls today [Tuesday] for a special election on school and special taxing district-related measures.Two school districts whose…
Two north Idaho school districts are taking a second run at school levies that failed in March. The measures will appear on the Tuesday ballot. In March,…
Voters in north Idaho approved most of the school levies on Tuesday’s ballot, a few by narrow margins.Two have apparently fallen short. The West Bonner…
Two Kootenai County school levies are on the verge of being approved, one other is too close to call, if Tuesday night’s results hold.In the Coeur d’Alene…
Eleven north Idaho school districts have supplemental levies on Tuesday’s [March 9] levy.The largest measure is in the Coeur d’Alene School District,…