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Fall Folk Festival Retrospective Thank You

Thank you to everyone who tuned in for the Fall Folk Festival Retrospective, and to everyone who helped make it happen in honor of the festival’s 25th Anniversary.



Hour 1:  Brian McLeod; Steve Schennum; The Kathy Colton Trio; Dan Maher; Steve & Shelly Hines; Nicole Bayley; Mad Mama Moon;Keeler, Melvin & Morse; Dead Fiddlers Society; Todd Milne; Sesitshaya Marimba Band

Hour 2: The Wanderers Jenny Edgren; Molly & Tenbrooks;: Paul Wagner; & Jani Gilbert; Urban Coyote Bush Band; Silk Road; Wes Weddell; and The Portatos


Hour 3: The Vagabonds; Plaid Cat Trio; Yang Xu; Caridwen and Greg Spatz; Bridges Home; Salish School of Spokane (Larae Wiley); Browne’s Mts. Boys; Liz Rognes; 2-Bit Jug Band, Free Whiskey; and Sidhe

Hour 4: Kevin Pace & the Early Edition; Brittany Jean; Tra le Gael; Heidi Muller & Bob Webb; Caridwen and Greg Spatz; Bigger Boat; Tracy Spring; Kevin Brown

Thank you to:

  • Hosts Verne Windham & Carlos Alden with Janean Jorgensen, Neesha Schrom Crosen, and Steve Jackson.
  • House band performers Mellad Abeid, Brad Keeler and Eugene Jablonsky.
  • The Fall Folk Festival, Sylvia Gobel and the Spokane Folklore Society, with a 2020 Virtual festival online now at FallFolkFestival dot org.
  • Sound by Ken Glaster, Jaye Nordling, Pam Meyer, Scott Martinez, Patrick Klausen, Jerry Olsen and many more.  
  • Spokane Community College and Gordon Grove
  • SPR annual FFF volunteers: Bill Wright, Linda Parman, Steve Sackett, Maxie Ray Mills, Caryl Ann Herman, Joy Morgan, and our many hard working Spokane Public Radio Volunteers over the years.


Thanks To Event Donors: Northern Quest Resort & Casino, The Spokane Folklore Society, Rings & Things with the Johnston-Fix Foundation


Spokane Public Radio invites you to a Special Fall Folk Festival Retrospective in honor of their 25th Anniversary and our 40th. Tune in Saturday, November 14 from 11 to 1 p.m., and Sunday, November 15 from 1 to 3 p.m., on KPBX 91.1. 

Hear a musical sampler of performers and bands who’ve played at the festival and the broadcast. Styles range from Singer/Songwriter, Bluegrass, Celtic, Americana, drum ensembles and many others. Performers come from throughout the region.

2014 SPR flyer

SPR’s Verne Windham is producing and hosting the program with co-hosting appearances from SPR’s Carlos Alden, Janean Jorgensen, Neesha Schrom Crosen, and Steve Jackson. Guitarist Mellad Abeid, Brad Keeler, or bassist Eugene Jablonsky will be heard as the house band for many of the live broadcasts over the years.

The Fall Folk Festival Retrospective is made possible by event donors: Spokane Folklore Society, Rings & Things, and Northern Quest Resort & Casino. Event grantor is Johnston-Fix Foundation.

2018 SPR flyer


From the Spokane Fall Folk Festival Website about the Retrospective Event: The Virtual Festival will also provide pre-recorded performances of entertainers selected from this year's applicants streamed on the Fall Folk Festival website and Facebook page. Details are available on their website and Facebook page.

In keeping with the tradition of having vendors at the festival, this year's Virtual Festival will have a Festival Market Place on the Fall Folk Festival website through December 30, 2020.


Performers include:

Saturday, November 14th 11 a.m-Noon

Brian McLeod; Steve Schennum; The Kathy Colton Trio; Dan Maher; Steve & Shelly Hines; Nicole Bayley; Mad Mama Moon; Keeler, Melvin & Morse; Dead Fiddler’s Society; Todd Milne; and Sesitshaya Marimba Band

Saturday, November 14th 11 Noon-1 p.m. 

Wes Weddell-2010 FFF Live Broadcast

The Wanderers; Jenny Edgren; Molly & Tenbrooks; Paul Wagner; Jani Gilbert; Urban Coyote Bush Band; Silk Road; Wes Weddell; and The Portatos

 Sunday, November 15th 1 p.m.-2 p.m.

The Vagabonds; Plaid Cat Trio; Yang Xu; Caridwen & Greg Spatz; Bridges Home; Larae Wiley, Salish School of Spokane; Browns Mountain Boys; Liz Rognes; 2-Bit Jug Band, Free Whiskey; and Sidhe

Sunday, November 15th 2 p.m.-3 p.m.

Kevin Pace & the Early Edition; Brittany Jean; Tra le Gael; Heidi Muller & Bob Webb; Caridwen & Greg Spatz; Bigger Boat; Tracy Spring; and Kevin Brown

Thanks to:

Longtime Host Carlos Alden outside the SCC LAIR Auditorium

-Longtime Hosts Verne Windham and Carlos Alden, Additional hosting by Janean Jorgensen, Neesha Schrom Crosen, and Steve Jackson.

-House band performers: Mellad Abeid, Brad Keeler and Eugene Jablonsky.

-Sound by Ken Glaster, Jaye Nordling, Pam Meyer, Scott Martinez, Patrick Klausen, Jerry Olsen and many more. 

-Spokane Community College and Gordon Grove

SPR Volunteer Linda Parman reviews performance plans with Eugene Jablonsky, backstage 2010

-SPR annual Fall Folk Festival Live Broadcast volunteers: Bill Wright, Linda Parman, Steve Sackett, Maxie Ray Mills, Caryl Ann Herman, Joy Morgan, and many, many more Spokane Public Radio Volunteers over the years.

-The Fall Folk Festival, Sylvia Gobel and the Spokane Folklore Society

Listen to Previous Performances and see more photos by clicking on the year







Special Thanks to Event Donors:

Northern Quest Resort & Casino, The Spokane Folklore Society, Rings & Things and a grant from the Johnston-Fix Foundation