Arielle Retting
Arielle Retting is a growth editor for digital content at NPR. In her current role, she helps the newsroom develop digital skills so NPR can expand our storytelling to meet our audiences where they are.
At NPR she has also been a copy editor, a Newscast editor and the producer of the award-winning Visual Newscast.
To talk about the current state of climate disinformation, we checked in with three NPR reporters who have reported on climate, disinformation and the media.
Some "climate jobs" are obvious. Others, not so much. So we talked to three people whose jobs address climate change in unexpected ways.
Nichols has been removed from NBA coverage and The Jump was canceled a few weeks after remarks she made became public suggesting that Maria Taylor was promoted because she is Black.
The painting is expected to sell for thousands of dollars. The unnamed seller, who found the painting at a donation center in Canada, paid $4.09.