Jerry Cornfield, Washington State Standard
Clear differences in style and substance emerged in the first face-to-face encounter between the candidates battling to be Washington’s next governor.
Union negotiators called a proposed pay hike too small and “disrespectful.” The state is supposed to reach deals with all its unions by Oct. 1.
If Initiative 2124 passes, two agencies will add staff if there’s a surge in people wanting out of WA Cares, according to a new analysis that will be sent to voters.
Officials see the dip as manageable. But if voters repeal the capital gains tax this fall, it could further complicate the state’s budget picture.
Under a new rule, Washington insurance agencies will need to tell customers in writing why their premiums have gone up.
It's filing week for candidates in Washington. Lots of change is coming this election season as some officeholders leave and others pursue new political posts.
The move comes as roadway deaths in the state have hit historic highs.
The decision aims to resolve a dispute over the electoral power of Latinos, but will also force at least two Republican senators from their districts.
What lawmakers did — and didn't — accomplish in Olympia this year.
Debate begins in Olympia as the House and Senate stake claims on where they want the money to go. They have about two weeks to wrap up negotiations.