Inland Journal
With our goal of increasing local coverage we are thrilled to announce the return of Inland Journal. Inland Journal is a weekly interview program focused on regional public affairs and arts, hosted and produced by SPR's news and program director, Doug Nadvornick with contributions from the SPR news team.
Latest Episodes
Batter up! This is the Inland Journal podcast from Spokane Public Radio. I’m Doug Nadvornick.Thursday, April 1 is opening day for Major League Baseball.…
Today on the Inland Journal podcast, we’ll spend a few minutes with two Spokane doctors who have been very involved with the care of Covid patients. Drs.…
Our new Inland Journal podcast features a chat with Spokane County Health Officer Dr. Bob Lutz. We’ll hear about an isolation facility at the Spokane…
Today on Inland Journal, advocates who work with domestic violence survivors worry all this time at home may put their clients in danger. Spokane County…
Today on Inland Journal, people and companies are busy making personal protective equipment for people who are exposed to the coronavirus. We talk with…
Today on Inland Journal and the Inland Journal podcast, the states of Washington and Idaho are now both in ‘stay-at-home mode.’ Spokane County officials…
Today on Inland Journal and the Inland Journal podcast, the coronavirus hijacked the Washington legislative session during its last couple of weeks.…
Today on Inland Journal and the Inland Journal podcast, the Washington Democratic presidential primary is still too close to call. Bernie Sanders led…
Today on Inland Journal and the Inland Journal podcast, we look ahead to next week’s presidential primary in Washington.“I think we’re one of the biggest…
Today on Inland Journal and the Inland Journal podcast, we celebrate 40 years of Spokane Public Radio programming with 1994 documentary, A Tom Foley…