Before you start reading this description, get us some whiskey and cigars (please); Kevin from the future settles the “the title is meant ironically” issue for this episode; Francis McBellhop, new in the cubicles, receives his first bitter taste of Office Politics; Morten Gould discusses putting Descartes before the horse; thanks to your local church basement rental program, the Awkward Club is meeting tonight; Wendy Divan offers an Ersatz Vacation to Moses Lake, Washington that is less than half twice the hassle of swimming with dolphins; we find out how Hans and Jacques, the European philosophers, became the “Existentialists on a Plane”; Dan Blanche, Lower Heights Community College’s longest-serving adjunct writing instructor has a sudden revelation about his great love’s more accessible twin sister; Mrs. Viola Gans, Consulting Marxist, solves the case of the corrupt communist bookkeeper.