September 24, 2016
The Making of Clinton and Trump: Character in the 2016 Election
This special examines the characters of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The 2016 Democratic and Republican presidential candidates are the most unpopular candidates since modern polling began. Why is that the case? Over the course of the hour, we will revisit their personal histories and explore episodes in which their characters were forged.
September 17, 2016
Intelligence Squared U.S.
Climate Change: Has the EPA Gone Overboard?
Reducing carbon emissions is clearly good for the environment but often imposes substantial costs, which can affect everyone indirectly through higher energy costs, slower economic growth, reduced employment, and lower business profits. Has the Environmental Protection Agency considered the costs and benefits of its regulatory mandates fairly and appropriately? Is its Clean Power Plan a bold initiative to reduce carbon pollution at power plants, or an unconstitutional usurpation of power? The debaters are Charles McConnell, Carl Pope, Michael Nasi, and Jody Freeman.
September 10, 2016
2016 Re:sound Specials, from the Third Coast Audio Festival
The Jeff & Elly Show - This hour on Re:sound, we’re featuring the musical documentaries of Alan Hall, founder of Falling Tree Productions. "The Grace of Jeff Buckley" and "The Voices of Elly Stone."