The following is a list of resources for individuals dealing with homelessness, and for community members working to assist them.
Homeless Resource Pocket Guide Map, including shelter locations, drop-in centers, housing assistance resources and general information for the downtown Spokane area.
Ending Homelessness. Links to resources recommended by the City of Spokane, including Housing Assistance, Shelters, Counseling Services and Substance Abuse Treatment, Health, Legal Assistance, and Employment and Education Resources.
Resources for Families Experiencing Homelessness in Spokane. In addition to the above links, includes resources for Childcare and Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault.
St. Vincent de Paul - North Idaho Resource Directory. 53 page directory with resources available in North Idaho, last updated in 2017.
Spokane Homeless Coalition Meets the first Thursday of every month at The Gathering Place, 733 W Garland Ave, from 9 - 10:30 a.m.
"The Spokane Homeless Coalition is made up of more than 700 individuals representing more than 200 agencies, meal sites, churches and ministries in the Greater Spokane area, all committed to serving those in need throughout our community. We meet monthly on the first Thursday of every month to network, to share news, to hear informational speakers, to learn from each other, to encourage each other and to become better at what we do."
The Greater Valley Support Network does not have a website. It focusses on homelessness issues in the city of Spokane Valley. Contact Spokane Valley Library, for more information. Aileen Luppert, who is the manager of the library is the current chair of the leadership team of this network.
NAOMI: Provides transitional housing to homeless women and their children in Spokane Valley.
Spokane Valley Partners serves low-income families with programs including food bank, clothing bank, emergency services and payee program. They also provide education, information and assistance in accessing other community services.
Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels delivers meals throughout Spokane County, including Spokane, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Deer Park and Cheney.
The West Plains Support Network serves Spokane County, west of the City of Spokane, including Cheney, Medical Lake and Airway Heights. Contact the Spokane County Library District in these communities for more information.
Spokane County: Community Services, Housing and Community Development Spokane County does not own or manage housing, so cannot offer direct assistance. This page does contain links to current referrals for housing options.
Library Services:
Area libraries offer resources at no charge. Library cards that do not require a permanent address can be used to access resources such as continuing education, job search databases, housing assistance and more. Staff is trained to assist persons dealing with homelessness to access available services.
Free access to services
Every Monday from 10:30am to noon, come to Community Court at the Downtown Library and access these services:
- Healthcare/Insurance
- SSI Disability assistance
- Education/Job training
- Clothing
- Behavioral Health
- Housing
- ID Cards
- Food
- Crime victim assistance • Trauma therapy
- Veterans programs
- DSHS assistance
- Nutrition education
- Payee assistance
Spokane County Library District
In response to the increase in customers appearing to be experiencing homelessness, SCLD has added trainings and attends new resource fairs (like Homeless Connect and Spokane Valley Connect) where we offer new types of library cards that don’t require home addresses. The training and related book were developed by Ryan Dowd and The Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness.
Offers temporary cards (good for 30 days and renewable) for those who have no proof of address. The card allows the patron to check out two items and get online using our public computers. We also offer guest passes for computer use.
Reference staff helps everyone get to benefit sites, resume templates, and other resources. We assist with emailing documents, faxing, saving, etc.
The "Point in Time" folks always have a table here during that period of time where they collect data.
In addition - our Friends Book store - Second Story Books - has a free cart with paperbacks and magazines up for grabs.
Thank you to the following people for their assistance in compiling this information:
Janet - Spokane Public Library
Aileen Luppert - Spokane County Library District
Bette Ammon - Couer d'Alene Public Library
Annie Gannon - City of Spokane Valley
Amy Ferguson - City of Coeur d'Alene