This holiday week it may be tempting to let your pets in on the good food, but a Seattle veterinarian says it's more important to keep them safe. Most people are aware that chicken, turkey, and ham bones can splinter, the pose a threat to pets by possibly perforating the intestinal tract.
There are also threats posed by some of the traditional Thanksgiving foods. Dr. Liz Anne Bowman is a Seattle vet.
Bowman: "Animals digest spices differently than humans, particularly onions, garlic, and chocolate. Raisins and grapes can cause kidney problems. In the nut family, macadamia nuts can cause a problem. And xyletol, which is a sugar substitute, can be toxic to dogs and cats."
Bowman says it's best to keep pets on their regular diet during the holidays, or get them some special pet treats rather than feeding them leftovers.