You may see flyers around town about a meeting on child vaccines. But you probably can’t read them… unless you speak Russian. Health officials have put together an educational meeting for Russian speaking families.
A couple years ago, the Washington state health department held focus groups within the Russian community. The results were a red flag - Russian families are among the least likely to be immunized. Sara Jay Sanford says the health department shared those results with her organization, Within Reach.
Sanford: “Russian speaking parents have the same questions that other parents might have about immunizations, but because of language barriers they might have less access to the helpful information.”
She says the U-S has had a safe and consistent vaccine supply for decades, which is not necessarily true for other countries.
Within Reach and the local health department have organized a Russian Community Forum on Child Immunizations. It is Monday night (5:30 pm) in the Northeast Community Center, and childcare is provided.
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