Spokane’s fire department will host a memorial this week for the three people killed in an apparent homicide north of Spokane. Fire Lieutenant Terry Canfield, his wife Lisa Canfield, and her son John Constable died at a home near Colbert in May.
Firefighters will don dress uniforms for the memorial 2:00 p.m. Thursday at Calvary Church in the Fairwood Shopping Center. Mayor David Condon says citizens should rally around the community and fire department.
Condon: “Their deaths are a tremendous loss for this community. Our thoughts and support continue to be with the family and the loved ones who have been impacted by this community, as we celebrate the lives of Terry, a city firefighter, Lisa, and John this week.”
Sheriff’s deputies arrested 30-year-old Roy Murray for involvement in the shootings and house fire four days after the incident. Murray’s estranged wife describes him as an Iraq war veteran who has post-traumatic-stress. Those killed were her mother, brother, and step-father.
In addition to the firefighter’s memorial, the comedy club community will host a memorial show June 25th at Uncle D’s Comedy Underground.
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