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Idaho Police Warily Eye Oregon's New Pot Law


Idaho law enforcement say they’ve been finding more marijuana in vehicles coming from states with looser pot laws.

They expect that to continue now that Oregon has a legal recreational market.

Idaho is now in a minority of states in the West that don’t have some form of legal marijuana. And Teresa Baker with the Idaho State Police knows some Idahoans are making those other states a destination.

“We would just ask that you not bring it back to the state,” she said.

She said marijuana busts have increased fivefold over the last four years. Many, like a recent 150 pound bust near the Washington border, are too large to have been purchased in legal markets.

But Baker says police are also seeing more small, personal use-sized amounts.

“I would say that it’s more common to find someone with marijuana on them in their car during a traffic stop than it is alcohol these days,” she said.

And in fact, it remains illegal to transport marijuana across any state lines -- even from say Washington to Oregon. That trips federal rules on interstate commerce and the federal government of course also still considers pot illegal.

Copyright 2015 Northwest News Network

Jessica Robinson
Jessica Robinson reported for four years from the Northwest News Network's bureau in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho as the network's Inland Northwest Correspondent. From the politics of wolves to mining regulation to small town gay rights movements, Jessica covered the economic, demographic and environmental trends that have shaped places east of the Cascades. Jessica left the Northwest News Network in 2015 for a move to Norway.