Washington’s Liquor Control Board is getting a new name. Friday it will become the Liquor and Cannabis Board.
The change comes as the state moves to regulate medical marijuana, as well as recreational pot.
The initials of the Liquor Control Board didn’t have to change. It’s still the LCB. But now the C stands for Cannabis. The new agency logo shows the state seal featuring George Washington and the words Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board.
Perhaps the juxtaposition of the nation’s first president and the word cannabis isn’t so odd. According to High Times, President Washington grew hemp and might have even used it to ease his toothaches.
Other changes will come later this year or early next as recreational marijuana stores in Washington are allowed to apply for an endorsement to sell to patients. Also, some existing marijuana dispensaries will have the opportunity to apply for a state license to remain open.
The big change comes next July when a ban on collective gardens kicks in.
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