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Fire On Edge of Spokane Forces Home Evacuations

About 50 homes near Spokane are under mandatory evacuation tonight (Tuesday) because of a new fire burning just west of the city limits. The so-called Houston fire started as a brush fire and has grown to more than 20 acres (by 5:30 Tuesday night).

The Department of Natural resources says the level three evacuation is in order for homes west of Palisades Park, in the area between Grove, Houston, and Deno roads.

There are ground and air crews attacking it with fire retardant and water. Spokane Fire Assistant Chief Brian Schaeffer was among the first responders.

Schaeffer: “This came in initially as a brush fire for fire district 10. And then rapidly has escalated. A lot of spotting, a lot of very dangerous fire behavior.”

District 10 is based in Airway Heights, though the fire is nearer Spokane. It is burning primarily timber in an area west of Spokane Falls Community College.

Copyright 2015 Spokane Public Radio

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