Two complaints related to campaign finance have been filed against state Rep. Matt Shea (R-Spokane Valley).
The complaints have been filed in the past week with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission. Both relate to Shea’s use of surplus campaign donations.
The first complaint was filed by attorney Walter Smith of Olympia, who says Shea gave $2,000 to the group Citizens for Free Speech, $3,500 to the group Americans for America, and $2,000 to the Daniels Prayer Ministry.
The complaint says none of those entities are registered as a charity, and thus don’t fit the guidelines under the PDC of an organization eligible to receive such funds.
The second compliant, filed by Aaron Jarvis of Spokane, says Shea also gave surplus campaign funds to the American Christian Network, Redoubt Broadcasting, and Broadcast Supply, none of which met the criteria for surplus campaign donations.
Jarvis says he believes those donations were actually related to Shea’s own radio show, Patriot Broadcasting.
“For any violation of the laws we oversee, the commission has the penalty authority of up to $10,000 per violation," says Kim Bradford from the Public Disclosure Commission. "If the commission decides that the violation is more significant than that, they can refer cases to the Attorney General for possible pursuit in court where the penalties could be higher."
Bradford says the PDC receives hundreds of complaints per year in connection with use of campaign funds or surplus funds.