If you need to do voting-related business between now and Election Day in Washington, you have a few options. You can do it online at the Secretary of State’s website, votewa.gov. Or you can drop into your local county elections office and talk with a human being.
Between today and Election Day, Spokane County residents who want to do their business in-person but who don’t want to drive downtown can now stop at a newly-opened voter center at CenterPlace in Spokane Valley.
“It will be open regular business hours through the weekend before Election Day and it will be open Saturday and Sunday before Election Day and then Monday and Tuesday, Election Day. It won’t be open the other weekends," said Spokane County Auditor Vicky Dalton.
Because of the large number of people casting ballots for this election, Dalton’s office plans to create a second voter service center in the Spokane Arena, but that won’t open until the day before the election.
A reminder that voter registration is allowed online in Washington until October 26, but must be done in person after that.