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While this summers' heat may not break records, the danger of heat illness remains

Temperatures will be in the 90s this week, higher then they have been during an unusually cool and wet summer.

The hot weather this week isn’t expected to as dangerous as the heat dome last summer, but could still lead to heat related illnesses.

Robert Lichfield, an urgent care doctor at Providence, says heat illnesses can occur when temperatures are in the 80s and can come on much faster than people realize.

“We do see heat related illness almost every day, he said, “Thankfully typically it’s not terribly dangerous, but it can get that way if folks take too long to get help.”

He said people most at risk are young children, elderly people and people on blood pressure medication. He said most of the time someone suffering from some heat related illness will be alright if they’re moved to a cool place and given water.

“It almost can’t be overemphasized is just water, water, water,” Lichfield said, “Usually what precipitates dangerous heat situations is that we haven’t drank enough water.”

He said if they appear visibly sick, or are feverish that could mean they are suffering a more serious heat illness and need medical care.

Rebecca White is a 2018 graduate of Edward R Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. She's been a reporter at Spokane Public Radio since February 2021. She got her start interning at her hometown paper The Dayton Chronicle and previously covered county government at The Spokesman-Review.