No substantial improvement in air quality is expected until the weekend, according to the National Weather Service.
An atmosphere more laden with water vapor and longer-lived showers and thunderstorms mean a higher possibility of localized flooding in several Washington and Idaho counties.
A wet winter helped weaken the multi-year drought gripping Washington, Idaho and Oregon, but the precipitation hasn’t been enough to totally slake the drought, according to federal and regional researchers.
The National Weather Service and the Washington Department of Transportation said travel conditions Wednesday would be hazardous. Motorists were advised to drive carefully and prepare for adverse road and weather conditions.
The last day of November will bring winter’s first big snowstorm to the Inland Northwest, weather forecasters said Monday.
The National Weather Service says average temperatures in August were the highest on record in ten Inland Northwest communities.
In a message released Monday afternoon, Spokane officials said the city’s four public libraries would expand operating hours to 8:00 p.m., beginning Tuesday and lasting through Saturday.
People most at risk are young children, the elderly and people on blood pressure medication. In many cases someone suffering from some heat related illness will be alright if they’re moved to a cool place and they drink water.
The Spokane Falls Community College mass testing site closed Thursday after heavy snowfall damaged the drive through structure.According to a news release…
UPDATE: 12:10 pm: Stevens Pass has been reopened with chains required on all except all-wheel drive vehicles.Snoqualmie and White passes will remain…