The Centers for Disease Control report grim statistics about a medical condition that isn’t well known by the public: sepsis. It’s the number one cause of death in hospitals in the U.S. The agency reports 1.7 million Americans are diagnosed with it each year and 350,000 die from it. We talk about sepsis with representatives of the Washington State Hospital Association and the Sepsis Alliance.

Coeur d’Alene Airport, aka Pappy Boyington Field, is an underappreciated asset, according to Kootenai County Commissioner Bruce Mattare. Mattare and airport director Gaston Patterson will host a town hall meeting to talk about the airport and its future, Thursday evening at 6 at the Kootenai County Administration Building.

The election has brought mixed news for Inland Northwest school districts. There were hoorahs in Coeur d’Alene and West Valley, where voters approved levies and huzzahs in Deer Park, Lakeland and West Bonner County, where levies and/or bond issues failed.
It’s getting harder to pass tax-related issues for schools. Some of the measures on the ballot were second or third tries. Voters in the West Valley district said yes in February to a property tax levy to find school operations, but no to a school facilities bond issue. Superintendent Kyle Rydell says the November capital projects levy was a response to that failed vote in February.

We finish with part seven of “Echoes of Expo,” a podcast series produced by Katie McCutcheon that looks at the history and legacy of Spokane’s 1974 World’s Fair.