Community Events include the annual Recording and Video sale at the Masonic Center Auditorium and a KPBX Kids’ Concert featuring Cap’n Ruby & The Scurvy Dogs.
Amy Laskowski joins the staff.
Tina Bjorklund returns with her new show, Village Rock.

Community events include a Health Forum focusing on infertility and two KPBX Kids’ Concerts featuring

New England style contra dance with The Silver Spurs and children’s author Carole Lexa Shaefer appearing in conjunction with EWU’s Git Lit event.
Car Talk celebrates twenty years on NPR.
Robert Marll joins the staff..
Musicfest participants perform live from the studio as well as at various events recorded for a podcast performance.
KPBX Kids’ Concerts celebrate fifteen years of performances with a concert at the Riverfront Park clocktower.

Spokane Public Radio’s Thank You Event is a concert called StringSpan: From Violin Virtuosos to Champion Fiddlers.
Wednesday evenings, Night Lights Classic Jazz joins the KPBX lineup at 11 p.m.
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me wins the 67th Annual George Foster Peabody Award.
Spokane Public Radio News Director John Vlahovich receives two Edward R. Murrow Awards for his reporting on Spokane’s courthouse renovation and his treatment of hospice residency training.
Jim Tevenan presents a Kids Concert on how an organ works at St. John’s Cathedral, with assistance from organists Janet Ahrend, Walter Kroon, and Chris Nelson.

The theme for An Evening Under the Stars at Arbor Crest is Salut a la vie (A Salute to Life). Music is provided by Merri Schulz, Don Thompsen and Tashi, dancing with 6 Foot Swing, and a French buffet provided by Catered for You.
Johnson’s Improbable History of Pop returns by popular demand to air on KPBX on Saturday evenings.
Bill Wright produces a summer program entitled To the Max during July, and Mike Wiebers returns in August with Short ‘n Sweet.
KSFC sees a number of changes in programming, adding The State We’re In produced by Radio Netherlands, and Are We Alone? and A World of Possibilities are added to the late Saturday evening lineup. Harry Shearer’s Le Show is added late Sunday evening following a rebroadcast of Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me.

Neesha Shrom joins the SPR Staff.
Doug Nadvornick returns to SPR as North Idaho Bureau Chief.
Paul Paroff is named the new SPR Board Chairman.
Community events include a KPBX Kids’ Concert with Jenny Edgren and Molly and Tenbrooks, female folkies, and an Election Forum on the Aid in Dying Initiative.
NPR’s Scott Simon speaks at the Student Lair Auditorium as part of the SCC President’s Speaker Series, and Juan Williams comes to Coeur d’Alene to benefit the Idaho Humanities Council.
Hearing Voices beginson KSFC on Friday evenings.
SPR is awarded the Business Benefactor Award by the Spokane Arts Commission.
Other awards include 9 from Washington AP, 7 from Pacific NW Society of Professional Journalists, 4 1st place awards from Public Radio News Directors, and nine from Edward R. Murrow awards
December KPBX Kids’ Concert features music from SPARC to celebrate the holidays Bavarian style.