Dozens of Marshallese people in eastern Washington who don’t have access to dental care will have their teeth examined this week.The Arcora Foundation is…
The Spokane City Council voted Monday night to change an agreement to allow the city to study the feasibility of fluoridating the city water supply.The…
The Spokane City Council voted Monday to indefinitely put off a decision about whether to add fluoride to the city’s drinking water. But it did decide to…
Water fluoridation may be in the city of Spokane’s future.The city council is considering a request by dentists to fluoridate the city’s water supply. The…
Most dentists in Washington have eliminated elective and non-emergency appointments, as a result of the governor’s coronavirus restrictions. “They’re only…
A Washington oral health program for children is celebrating 20 years in business. The Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program, or ABCD, began in…
People who have issues with their teeth and gums may be more at risk for other physical problems. A group called Smile Spokane is working to increase…