An anti-abortion church known for holding loud church services outside of Spokane’s Planned Parenthood Clinic will no longer be allowed to protest outside…
An Idaho Senate committee has advanced a bill that would prohibit abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.The vote on Thursday came after…
The Idaho House approved a bill Tuesday that would prevent public funds controlled by the state from going to any person or organization that performs…
A Spokane County judge has issued a preliminary injunction that will, for now, stop anti-abortion protests immediately outside the Spokane Planned…
The Idaho House voted today [Tuesday] to prohibit local governments and health districts from giving Medicaid money to organizations that perform…
Planned Parenthood officials say the city of Spokane should do more to control protests that are routinely happening outside their Spokane clinic.The…
Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and Northern Idaho dedicated a new clinic in Spokane Friday.President and CEO Karl Eastlund says the new facility…
Here are clips from Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ town hall at Gonzaga on August 10. (on the American Health Care Act, funding for Planned Parenthood and…
Supporters of Planned Parenthood will rally Thursday outside Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ downtown Spokane office.The noon hour event is meant to…