Se Eun Gong
Young men and women are politically drifting apart across the developed world. The growing political gender divide in South Korea is making experts worried about the country's future.
These are the first adjustments to social measures since the country began a long-awaited transition to a new phase in pandemic response in early November and lifted most of the restrictions.
The country's ruling Democratic Party suffered a devastating defeat in Wednesday's mayoral by-elections, widely considered a bellwether for Moon Jae-in's chances for reelection next year.
Churches resume in-person services and stadiums welcome sports fans as the country once again manages to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
A former secretary of Park's says she endured four years of sexual harassment. The mayor was found dead on Friday in a park, and the allegations have left the country divided about his legacy.
By Friday, South Korean authorities had identified 163 patients who tested positive again after a full recovery. The number more than doubled in about a week, up from 74 cases on April 9.
On April 15, legislative elections will go as planned but with new coronavirus safety features, and the government's handling of the virus is a top issue.
Goo Hara, a former member of the K-pop group Kara, was found dead in Seoul on Sunday, the second K-pop celebrity death in less than two months. The 28-year-old star had been a target of cyberbullying.
The country's Constitutional Court overturned the ban enacted in 1953. Despite South Korea's heavily Christian population, in recent years anti-abortion sentiment has softened.
Microcameras installed in public bathrooms for surreptitious filming are an everyday concern for women. Police say the number of "illegal filming" crimes sharply increased between 2011 and 2017.