August 31, 2019
Let's Be Frank: TBTL Salutes The Great American Hot Dog
Join hosts Luke Burbank and Andrew Walsh over a sizzling grill as they celebrate one of America's most beloved and most ridiculed foods: The Hot Dog. The Splendid Table's Francis Lam joins them to explain his own personal love affair with the tubular steak, plus Luke and Andrew head to a minor league ballpark to see if they'd make good hot dog vendors. They also try to hunt down the best veggie alternative to the hot dog, and dip into the heated debate over proper (and improper) hot dog condiments.
Luke Burbank and Andrew Walsh co-host the long-running, daily podcast Too Beautiful To Live from American Public Media.
August 24, 2019
BBC Special: Why Woodstock Still Matters
Arlo Guthire presents a celebration of the Woodstock spirit that still carries important social lessons on how ordinary people can effect change.
Now that the Woodstock generation has indeed inherited the world, what lessons from their utopian dream are still being implemented today? How has the '60s hippie ethos that cherished the value people placed on one another that weekend permeated society in general?
August 17, 2019
2019 Re:sound Specials from the Third Coast Audio Festival
Naked Strangers - Stories at the edge of respectability. A dive into the wonderful world of the Burlesque Hall of Fame, the story behind the erotic 1969 bestseller "Naked Came the Stranger" and an encounter with romantic novelist Barbara Cartland.
The Third Coast International Audio Festival is an annual and on-going celebration of the best documentary and feature work being made worldwide for radio and the Internet.
August 10, 2019
Intelligence Squared U.S. - Discourse Disrupters
American Hate & The Law
How should the American legal system cope with a new era of hate speech? In this episode, host John Donvan sits down two top legal minds thinking about free speech today. Join former ACLU president Nadine Strossen and New York University professor Thane Rosenbaum for an in-depth discussion on the future and limits of free speech in America.
Discourse Disrupters is a new limited series engaging some of the sharpest minds shaping our national discourse today. From academia to the media to the world of politics, these top thinkers are disrupting American discourse in bold new ways.
August 3, 2019
Studio 360: American Icons: ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ — Part Two
“My distrust of technology comes entirely from that movie.”
In Part Two, we conlcude our look at the film with a visit to the same IBM research lab that helped inspire HAL. We meet CIMON, a real-life AI robot on the International Space Station and Garrett Reisman, a former NASA astronaut who blasted the “Blue Danube” in the space shuttle. Plus we speak to New York Times critic Wesley Morris, filmmakers Christopher Nolan and Tom Hanks, artist James Turrell and U.S. Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith.