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"When Hooker Boots Kick Ravens from Our Skies" by Jeffrey Dunn

Jeffrey Dunn, writer, culture critic, teacher, and dyslexic, holds a Ph.D. in Culture Studies and English Literature. For forty years his teaching has integrated natural history, creative writing, DIY publication, film, and psychology—all summed up as place-based learning. His first novel, Dream Fishing the Little Spokane, has been described as “melancholic, irreverent, untamed” (Kirkus Reviews) and “a hoot that goes down easy” (natural historian Jack Nisbet). Recently, his interview, “A Conversation: Ginsberg on Burroughs,” was anthologized in David Stephen Calonne, ed, Conversations with Allen Ginsberg, 2019. More information and his author website can be found at

Chris Maccini previously worked at SPR as Morning Edition host and producing arts and special programming such as The Bookshelf, Poetry Moment, Northwest Arts Review, special features and more.