The Spokane City Council has voted to update the city’s regulations on companies that provide rides to consumers for pay.
The council’s sponsors, Mike Fagan and Karen Stratton, say the goal is to ensure all for-hire vehicles, including Uber and Lyft drivers, are following the same rules. Among the changes, all drivers will be required to buy a license from the city and to undergo background checks. And, Stratton says, all vehicles used to haul passengers must have periodic safety checks.
“But I’m especially proud of the fact that we’ve laid out a complaint process," Stratton said. "It’s a small part of the ordinance, but at least people riding in taxis, Uber and Lyft, there will be a process in place. You have a bad experience, you will be able to make a complaint and somebody will listen and try to mediate that complaint.”
Several Uber and Lyft drivers said the new regulations would hurt their ability to make a living or supplement their incomes.
Bruce Thompson says the ride-sharing services provide faster, cheaper rides than the cabbies.
“I get thanked almost every night by my customers every single night that I’m out there," he said. "'Thank you for being out.' 'Thank you for driving us.' 'Thank you for being here as quickly as you are, because oftentimes with a cab, we have to wait 30, 40, 50 minutes.'”
The cabbies supported process of updating the rules. They say the new ride services have had an unfair advantage in the few years they’ve been serving Spokane.