It’s bill signing season for Washington Governor Jay Inslee, who signed several pieces of legislation into law on Wednesday. Friday he affixed his signature to another three dozen bills.
One new law requires the state Fish and Wildlife Commission to adopt rules that requires hunters to wear either florescent orange or, in what’s new here, florescent pink. The sponsor, Republican Sen. Lynda Wilson, wore a bright pink vest to the signing ceremony.
A few minutes later, a big group of men and women wearing camo gear surrounded the governor as he signed a bill for them. That bill requires the state to create a pay scale for National Guard soldiers who are called upon to fight wildfires. This means they will make at least minimum wage while on the fire lines.
“I just want to note how much I appreciate, and I know all Washingtonians do, the service during these emergencies and firefightings," Inslee said. "We saw really courageous people fighting fires in Paris with their treasure, the Cathedral of Notre Dame. And we have treasures, I think equally loved in our state, which is our forests and the fact that people will leave their families and their jobs and come protect our treasures, our cathedrals, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your work. And I’m really appreciative to get this bill through.”
The governor also signed a bill that encourages middle and high schools to teach Holocaust history to students.
“With our nation seeing an uptick in hate crimes and hate speech, it is incumbent on us all to ensure that we educate our children on the past to help them understand how the present can turn. We know we have to heed the lessons about how our words, our treatment of people of other faiths, races or nationalities, and especially our complacent silence can lead to such unfathomable horrors,” Inslee said.
Another bill signed Friday extends or eliminates the statutes of limitation for some felony sex crimes.