School officials in several north Idaho districts are smiling because voters approved their supplemental levies yesterday [Tuesday].
There are a few exceptions. One is in Coeur d’Alene, where it appears both of the district’s ballot measures have narrowly failed. Coeur d’Alene’s $25 million supplemental levy won about 49% of the vote; it needed 50%. And its $25 million plant facilities levy collected 54.5%; it needed 55% There may still be a few absentee ballots left to be counted.
Another exception is in Rathdrum, where voters said no to two Lakeland School District measures. The supplemental levy received 47% support and a plant facilities levy 49%.
There was better news in Post Falls (where the supplemental levy won 61% approval), in the Boundary County School District (55%) and St. Maries (62%), where supplemental levies were all victorious.
Voters in the Kootenai School District (Kootenai and Benewah counties) said yes to a levy. And in Latah County, voters in Genesee, Potlatch and Kendrick districts said yes to levies, two in Kendrick’s case.
Forty-six Idaho school districts put measures before voters on Tuesday. Some had success, but Idaho Education News reports more than half of the seven bond issues on the ballot failed.