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Several north Idaho school levies approved, a few fail

Courtesy Kootenai County

School officials in several north Idaho districts are smiling because voters approved their supplemental levies yesterday [Tuesday].

There are a few exceptions. One is in Coeur d’Alene, where it appears both of the district’s ballot measures have narrowly failed. Coeur d’Alene’s $25 million supplemental levy won about 49% of the vote; it needed 50%. And its $25 million plant facilities levy collected 54.5%; it needed 55% There may still be a few absentee ballots left to be counted.

Another exception is in Rathdrum, where voters said no to two Lakeland School District measures. The supplemental levy received 47% support and a plant facilities levy 49%.

There was better news in Post Falls (where the supplemental levy won 61% approval), in the Boundary County School District (55%) and St. Maries (62%), where supplemental levies were all victorious.

Voters in the Kootenai School District (Kootenai and Benewah counties) said yes to a levy. And in Latah County, voters in Genesee, Potlatch and Kendrick districts said yes to levies, two in Kendrick’s case.

Forty-six Idaho school districts put measures before voters on Tuesday. Some had success, but Idaho Education News reports more than half of the seven bond issues on the ballot failed.

Doug Nadvornick has spent most of his 30+-year radio career at Spokane Public Radio and filled a variety of positions. He is currently the program director and news director. Through the years, he has also been the local Morning Edition and All Things Considered host (not at the same time). He served as the Inland Northwest correspondent for the Northwest News Network, based in Coeur d’Alene. He created the original program grid for KSFC. He has also served for several years as a board member for Public Media Journalists Association. During his years away from SPR, he worked at The Pacific Northwest Inlander, Washington State University in Spokane and KXLY Radio.